Friday, September 9, 2011

We are losing our Youth

As a Mother I feel the responsibility to display the lifestyle that I hope my son will see as natural and true. I want my son to see lightness for there is so much darkness all around. I want him to see honesty and care and realize to push against all the lies told. I want him to feel strength in his reality, compassion and care. I want him to feel his feet planted firmly on the ground and find comfort and peace.
            The world our children are growing in is dark and bitter, full of hate, lust and greed. Images of teenagers dressed in outfits you would find in a Las Vegas show that children idol to be. Everyone is trying to become a star and be famous and rich. We are losing our youth and their childhood. 
     The political and financial situation happening all around the world by greedy and possibly evil human beings. Sucking the earth and human beings dry of all that is environmentally true to our natural being and planet.
            I want my son to go beyond what is sold as a truth and find what is real in him. Find his happiness, his thought, his true being. What makes you who you are? We all sacrifice aspects of ourselves to survive in this world. I hope he sees what is necessary and what is choice and make the choice to love thyself and the earth and beings that exist on it’s mass. Cherish the simple and push off the “more” of it all.
            We are capable of being a thriving, encouraging and soulful race but we are living and teaching the wrong morals and skills. It is time to grow together and change the path of devastation we are throwing our children into. We must teach the change. Live it and pass it on.

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