Wednesday, October 19, 2011

He Sleeps...kinda

We are in our second week of being consistent with Lochlan's night time routine. He is no longer kicking and screaming for hours - yay!!! I am now able to nurse him, put him in his bed, give him a kiss goodnight and leave the room.  He will actually fall asleep by himself...unbelievable. He is still waking up every 2-6 hours asking for milk (he knows what's good for him) the only difference is he is staying in his room the whole night. I WILL TAKE IT. Small victories at a time. I do hope that when all his teeth come in he will sleep better. I have a feeling that much of his discomfort comes from those dang teeth pushing through his gums. Ouch!

I love going in to his room at night, as he is whimpering "Momma" at the door and being reminded of how tiny and precious he is. How he still needs me and how one day he won't. So often I look at him as being "bigger" than he is. He amazes me with his capabilities and intelligence during the day. I am surprised by how much of a baby he is at night. I think my expectations of him are more than what his 1.5 year old self can do at times. Everything in it's own time, I suppose.

He is his own person and I need to respect his needs and wants. I do, however, understand that I can not allow myself to go crazy, hahaha. Makes me laugh and smile thinking of all the Moms I know that walk around half dead from exhaustion but motivated by so much love in their heart. What a blessing it is to raise my son and be with him on a daily basis. Helping and watching him evolve and develop into a capable, intelligent, generous and loving person is such a blessing. It truly is a gift to be a Mother even on those days when you feel your child is literally torturing you. I love every part of it!


  1. Yay! That is a big victory!!! Congrats!

  2. pain is beauty too!
    struggle is necessary to reach an outcome
    you've got patience, and you pay attention (you've got it it all)

