Thursday, October 20, 2011

We MUST nurse our babies for all to see

A friend of mine recently was in a group setting with all women; as she was sitting listening and reflecting on the words being said; she is suddenly having her attention drawn away to a lady mouthing the words are you nursing? My friend politely says Yes (she has a beautiful 3 month old girl), the woman then asks her to step outside to do so............WHAT??? For this to happen in this type of setting; I was baffled. The fact the lady even asked if my friend was nursing proves she could barely tell. My friend had her daughter in a ring sling with the fabric pulled around the babies head. Totally inconspicuous. Perfectly natural and completely legal - see here ~ Nevada and Federal Breastfeeding laws

No one would ever ask a Mother to step outside with her child if she was bottle feeding. Why is that the norm and breastfeeding has become so taboo? Human beings have gone so far beyond a natural way of life; that the most beneficial source of nutrients for our child has been tainted.

We must be the examples to our children of what is natural and right for our sustainability and life.

Sustainability is the capacity to endure. For humans, sustainability is the long-term maintenance of well being, which has environmental, economic, and social dimensions, and encompasses the concept of stewardship, the responsible management of resource use.

With these thoughts already on my mind I came across this article titled Seeing Moms Breastfeed in Public Is Actually Vital for Our Future. I couldn't agree more!!!

Breastfeeding resources and links:
La Leche Leagure International
Nevada Breastfeeds
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
Photoshoot for NV Breastfeeds 2012 Calendar

At Town Sqare

"The newborn baby has only three demands. They are warmth in the arms of the mother, food from her breasts, and security in the knowledge of her presence. Breastfeeding satisfies all three."

My little painter

I was painting the other day and Lochlan decided he would like to help out. I love that he wants to do all the activities that I do. He really enjoys painting. It makes me VERY happy!!!
I love how he holds the brush like a pro

He melts my heart with happiness

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

He Sleeps...kinda

We are in our second week of being consistent with Lochlan's night time routine. He is no longer kicking and screaming for hours - yay!!! I am now able to nurse him, put him in his bed, give him a kiss goodnight and leave the room.  He will actually fall asleep by himself...unbelievable. He is still waking up every 2-6 hours asking for milk (he knows what's good for him) the only difference is he is staying in his room the whole night. I WILL TAKE IT. Small victories at a time. I do hope that when all his teeth come in he will sleep better. I have a feeling that much of his discomfort comes from those dang teeth pushing through his gums. Ouch!

I love going in to his room at night, as he is whimpering "Momma" at the door and being reminded of how tiny and precious he is. How he still needs me and how one day he won't. So often I look at him as being "bigger" than he is. He amazes me with his capabilities and intelligence during the day. I am surprised by how much of a baby he is at night. I think my expectations of him are more than what his 1.5 year old self can do at times. Everything in it's own time, I suppose.

He is his own person and I need to respect his needs and wants. I do, however, understand that I can not allow myself to go crazy, hahaha. Makes me laugh and smile thinking of all the Moms I know that walk around half dead from exhaustion but motivated by so much love in their heart. What a blessing it is to raise my son and be with him on a daily basis. Helping and watching him evolve and develop into a capable, intelligent, generous and loving person is such a blessing. It truly is a gift to be a Mother even on those days when you feel your child is literally torturing you. I love every part of it!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The sleepless side of parenting

Being a parent is definitely not always easy. Especially when you are trying to get a little one to sleep in their own bed after 18 months of sleeping right next to you. I have tried for months to gently wean him off the boob at night and sleep hasn't worked. So, it's time to bring in the big guns and let him cry-it-out. A tactic that I am less than thrilled about but have no other ideas on what to do. He is very unhappy with me. I HATE listening to him cry "Momma, Momma, Momma" over and over as he throws himself against the door. He cried for two hours yesterday before he fell asleep. I will go in there every 20 minutes, give him a hug and say, "Lochlan it's time to sleep. Lay your head down and close your eyes." We are on day three of this torture. Bed time does not seem to be as difficult as nap time. He does NOT want to nap. He got so mad today he threw up all over himself and his bed. The most frustrating part is there are no real answers. There are not any fool proof systems to get your child to learn to relax on their own. Every child is different. I feel so bad but I can not nurse him all night long anymore. He is getting to big to be in our bed and after almost two years of not sleeping through the night this Mom is VERY, very tired. I read that 65% of parents have struggles when it comes to sleeping. At least I am not in it alone.