Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Costume Time

To play a part is fun, fun, fun!! I LOVE dressing up. I always have. Halloween was big in my house growing up and that has carried into my adult life. I like to dress as women or characters that have red hair. It's nice to be able to incorporate my natural uniqueness," if you will. I have been Peg Bundy, The Little Mermaid, and an all time favorite and contest winner, Jessica Rabbit....so to carry on my tradition this year, for the first time in my life, which was actually hard for me to believe, I dressed as....


The past two years we have gone to David's parents house for Halloween. They set up a table in the garage and put out festive decorations; we hand out candy and eat dinner while enjoying the trick-or-treaters or Customers, as Tanner, my 8 year old nephew, likes to say.

Here are some photos from the night, enjoy...
Lochlan hanging out with Grandpa Gene and Uncle Tristan

David's sister Jen peaking in the background

Grandma Diana, or "Monga" as my niece Everly named her, helping Lochlan out

Tanner, the Fly and me - check out Grandpa Gene's decorations!!

Loch was a candy beggar; he did not get to eat any though...next year, maybe

Elmo helped out


Yummy...Blueberry Crumb Muffins

These are so yummy and delicious!!!
Here's how:

1 1/3 C Flour (I use whole wheat)
1/3 C Sugar
1/3 C Brown Sugar
1/2 tsp Salt
2 1/2 tsp Baking Powder
1/3 C Vegetable oil
2 eggs (beaten)
1/2 C Milk
1 1/2 C Blueberries (fresh or frozen)

1/3 C Flour
1/4 C Oats
1/4 C Butter (softened)
1 tsp Cinnamon
1/3 C Brown Sugar

Mix: flour, sugars, salt and baking powder in medium size bowl
Stir in: oil, eggs and milk
Fold in: blueberries

Mix the topping in separate bowl with hand till it is a crumb type texture. 

Preheat over to 375

You can either insert baking cups in muffin pan or use grease. Fill individual cups till they are almost full; then put the crumb mixture on top.

Cook 20-30 minutes.
Let cool 5 minutes and enjoy!!!